Digidata branding

DigiData's mission is to facilitate the digitization process for companies, making it simple, accessible and effective. The company's vision is focused on creating a work environment where documentation management becomes seamless, thereby increasing efficiency and security in the flow of information.
2 months
Branding & Webflow website
Streamlining digital transformation with simplicity and innovation. Discover our branding journey for DigiData, where clarity meets cutting-edge technology.


Creating a strong brand that will facilitate the digitisation process for companies, making it simple and accessible. Develop clear communication, understandable to the target group, educating and showing the way.

Our approach

Faced with the challenge of creating the image of DigiData, we focused on thoroughly understanding their vision and needs. It was like collecting a puzzle — we had to put all the pieces together to create a cohesive brand image. In a series of workshops, we defined key values and discussed DigiData's target audience, as well as developed a brand strategy.

Analysis and workshops

The mission

In developing DigiData's brand strategy, our core objective was to emphasize the simplicity and effectiveness of their solutions. “We wanted DigiData to be seen as a company that simplifies life, not complicates it,” explains our strategist. Our focus was on clearly communicating the benefits DigiData brings to its clients, highlighting their commitment to innovative yet accessible solutions.

Steps taken

Workshop 0: Deep dive into mission and vision

We kicked off our collaboration with DigiData by immersing ourselves in their mission and vision. Founders Przemek and Łukasz shared their vision of creating solutions that streamline document management and accelerate business processes. These initial meetings allowed us to fully grasp DigiData's goals and define the key values and expectations that would form the foundation of our work.

Understanding the target audience

We identified DigiData’s primary target groups and adapted to new ones based on the evolving market needs.

Defining the problem

We pinpointed issues such as difficult document access, communication gaps between departments, slow order fulfillment, documentation errors, excessive paperwork, and lack of document security.

Market analysis

We examined similar solutions worldwide, their communication methods, and touchpoints.

Communication strategy

Crafting clear communication

Our goal was to create a language that reflected the direct and transparent nature of DigiData. “We wanted to speak a language everyone could understand without unnecessary complications,” our strategist elaborates. We developed guidelines and sample messages to help DigiData clearly convey their mission and values, building trust and relationships with their clients.

Steps taken

Brand archetype

“Each step of our journey is a story of innovation, market adaptation, and our passion for helping companies in their digital transformation,” says the founder. We began by defining the brand archetype, creating a strong foundation for a clear and consistent company image.

Tone of voice

We focused on developing a tone of voice centered on simplicity and clarity to demystify digitalization and demonstrate that it’s for every company. Our main slogan: "See how easy it is."


We highlighted the simplicity and efficiency of DigiData's solutions, showing how their innovative system saves time, improves organization, and accelerates internal processes. Our narrative aimed to show potential clients that DigiData is not just about technology but about transforming everyday challenges into effective actions tailored to each company's needs.

Visual Identity

Steps taken

1. Starting with paper and pen

As with every project, we began with the basics.

logo design process

2. Colors and typography

We chose shades of purple and blue to convey modernity, trust, and stability—key for a tech-sector brand. Simple, readable fonts were selected to support clear communication and ease of reading in various contexts.

3. Logo

The logo comprises two "d" letters constructed from modular blocks, subtly pointing to the brand's principles of complementarity, scalability, and evolution. The blocks highlight DigiData's approach of building on existing structures, emphasizing the company's mission of smooth transition from traditional to digital methods. Geometric shapes and minimal rounding in the logo symbolize stability, precision, and the brand's solid nature.

4. Key visual

The key visual for DigiData embodies the brand's core values: innovation, simplicity, and efficiency. The main element is a pattern of modular squares, symbolizing structure and order. These squares also represent integration and flexibility, reflecting DigiData’s ability to tailor its solutions to diverse client needs. This unique pattern is consistent across various marketing materials, helping to build recognition and a cohesive brand image.

5. Social media templates, business cards, and brand book

Every visual identity element is designed to communicate a consistent brand image, in line with the established brand book guidelines. Our social media posts and advertisements focus on clear, accessible messaging that reflects the brand's main benefits and values, aiming to educate, inform, and engage while demonstrating how DigiData can simplify and revolutionize document management in businesses.

social media posts

Website design and implementation

Steps taken

1. Analysis and planning

We first understood the client's expectations and planned how the website would support the marketing funnel.

2. Wireframes creation

We concentrated on a layout that clearly presents DigiData's offerings while encouraging user interaction.

3. UI design

Our team combined visual identity with functionality, creating a cohesive and aesthetic design.

4. Implementation and testing

We developed the site on Webflow, allowing the client to monitor progress in real-time. We conducted extensive testing to ensure optimal performance.

5. Launch

The website launch was a pivotal moment, receiving positive feedback from users.

Conclusions and effects


The cohesive visual identity and clear communication strategy effectively present DigiData’s mission and values. Elements like the logo, social media templates, business cards, and brand book help build recognition and trust among clients.

Impact on business

The visual identity and thoughtful communication strategy have enabled DigiData to reach their clients more effectively, emphasizing their innovation and commitment to simplifying business processes. The website has become a key point of information for clients seeking solutions, serving as both a company showcase and a central hub for client engagement.

Feedback that fuels us

"DP Vision provided us with an amazing experience in UX/UI services. They not only provided the necessary service but became members of our team. They have great cooperation with the developers.Everything was delivered on time. The contact via Slack/Whatsapp is amazing. They reply within minutes and adjust to the client's needs. One of the unique features is that they work very quickly and have a well-organized project implementation workflow."

Maciej Topolski

CEO, Topolski Stanley & Associates Sp. z o.o.

"Having been involved in and around the world of branding, design, and UX for several years I can confidently say Anna (and indeed her team) is truly professional and hands down one of the best I have worked with. She brings a unique, entrepreneurial eye to everything she does which is always creative and impactful and she has a great eye for design. Not only that but she breaks everything down into simple to understand yet highly detailed steps and shows the why behind everything she does ."

Pete Dunn

CEO, Braindance Studio

"We hired DP Vision to develop a website that would not only reflect the unique nature of our company, but also would serve as a powerful sales tool with a user-friendly experience. Throughout the project, they maintained constant communication with us, ensuring we knew exactly where things stood.Even after the website was launched, they continued to test and analyze its performance, making necessary adjustments to enhance its design and user experience. We are impressed with their comprehensive approach and commitment to delivering a top quality website. The site responds perfectly to our needs and is well received by our clients."

Magdalena Wczesna

CEO, MW Sales Solutions

"From the first workshop with the DP Vision team, we knew we had come across a partner who really wanted to understand our company and its needs. They asked lots of questions to get a thorough understanding of our business, our strengths and what makes us different in the market. This approach allowed us to feel that DP Vision is not just a contractor, but a partner that literally steps into the shoes of the client."

Łukasz Wenskowski

Founder, Digidata

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