Branding & product design: iLMS

To revolutionize healthcare XR training through Adaptive Learning technology, making immersive, personalized, and accessible learning experiences available to everyone, anytime, anywhere.
April 2023- now
Branding and product design
Empowering healthcare with innovative XR training solutions. Discover how our branding and product design for iLMS revolutionizes adaptive learning in MedTech.


To create a seamless, user-friendly, and innovative XR training platform and brand that resonates with healthcare professionals and investors alike.

Our approach

Creating iLMS was akin to designing an entirely new wheel. Given the innovative nature of their XR training solution and AI, we prioritized simplicity. We meticulously researched and integrated patterns that users would recognize, ensuring the solution was not just innovative but also user-friendly and easily navigable. Equally crucial was the brand and product communication.

At DP Vision, we don’t just build brands; we craft experiences that resonate. Our process is a fusion of creativity, strategy, and innovation, tailored to transform tech companies into relatable brands with a unique voice. Here’s how we approached the iLMS project:


Market analysis

We began by studying the MedTech industry to understand current trends, market size, and growth potential. This helped us identify the niche that iLMS could effectively target.

Competitive analysis

We conducted a thorough analysis of iLMS’s competitors. By understanding their strengths and weaknesses, we were able to position iLMS uniquely within the market, highlighting its innovative adaptive learning technology.

Customer research

Understanding iLMS’s potential customers was crucial. We conducted surveys and interviews with healthcare professionals to grasp their training needs and challenges. This research informed the development of a precise Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), ensuring our strategies were targeted effectively.

Brand and strategy audit

We reviewed iLMS’s initial branding and strategic direction. This audit highlighted areas for improvement, allowing us to refine their brand message and align it with their mission and vision.

Defining business goals

We worked closely with the iLMS team to define clear business goals. These included increasing brand awareness, attracting investment, and gaining market traction.

Brand positioning

We crafted a unique brand positioning that emphasized iLMS’s innovative approach to XR training and its commitment to accessibility and personalization.

Communication strategy

Our communication strategy focused on clearly conveying the benefits of iLMS’s technology. We outlined how, where, and when to communicate with the target audience to maximize engagement.

Action plan

We developed a detailed action plan, outlining steps needed to achieve iLMS’s business goals, from branding initiatives to user engagement tactics.


Client workshops

We conducted workshops with the iLMS team to understand their vision, goals, and target audience better. These sessions were instrumental in aligning our strategies with their expectations.

Brand identity analysis

We analyzed iLMS’s existing brand elements and identified opportunities for enhancement. This included refining their logo, color scheme, and typography to ensure consistency and professionalism.

Brand design

Our team developed a cohesive brand design that included a refreshed logo, a modern color palette, and a consistent typography style. These elements were designed to reflect iLMS’s innovative and professional image.

Tone and style definition

We defined the tone and style of iLMS’s communication to ensure it resonated with their target audience. This involved creating a tone that was both authoritative and approachable.

Brand book creation

We developed a comprehensive brand book that detailed all key elements of iLMS’s brand identity. This guide ensures consistency across all marketing materials and touchpoints.

Web design and development

Research and planning

Based on our strategic insights, we planned a user-centric website that would serve as both an information hub and a client engagement platform.


We created detailed wireframes to map out the website’s structure and user flow. This step ensured that the site would be intuitive and easy to navigate.

Information architecture and UX design

Our design focused on creating a seamless user experience. We organized content logically and designed interactive elements that enhanced usability.

UI Design in Figma

We developed a visually appealing user interface in Figma, aligning with the newly defined brand identity. The design was modern, professional, and user-friendly.

Webflow development

Our developers brought the Figma designs to life using Webflow, ensuring the site was responsive, fast, and optimized for SEO.

Testing and optimization

We conducted extensive testing to ensure all elements functioned correctly and the site provided a smooth user experience. Post-launch, we continue to monitor performance and make necessary optimizations.

Communication strategy and support

Market analysis

We continuously monitor market trends and adjust our communication strategies accordingly, ensuring iLMS remains relevant and competitive.

Define communication goals

We defined specific communication goals aimed at increasing brand awareness and engaging the target audience.

Communication action plan

Our action plan included a detailed schedule for content publication and promotional activities across various channels.

Content production

We produce engaging content that highlights iLMS’s unique selling points and educates the audience about the benefits of their XR training solutions.

Advertising campaigns

We plan and execute targeted advertising campaigns to drive traffic to the iLMS website and generate leads.

Community building

We actively engage with the audience through social media, fostering a community around iLMS’s brand.

Influencer collaboration

We collaborate with industry influencers to expand iLMS’s reach and credibility within the MedTech sector.

Monitoring and optimization

We regularly review the effectiveness of our communication efforts and make data-driven adjustments to improve outcomes.

Product design, UX UI

User eesearch

We conduct ongoing user research to understand the evolving needs and preferences of iLMS’s audience.

Define user problems

Based on research, we identify pain points and areas for improvement in the user experience.

Design solutions

We create user-centric solutions that address identified issues and enhance the overall experience.

Testing and iteration

We test new features and designs with real users, gather feedback, and iterate to ensure continuous improvement.

Implementation and monitoring

We assist in implementing new UX solutions and monitor their impact, making further adjustments as needed.

Evaluation and optimization

Monitoring and analysis

We continuously monitor all aspects of iLMS’s strategy and performance metrics to ensure alignment with business goals.

Identify improvement areas

We identify areas for improvement based on data analysis and user feedback.

Develop and implement optimization plan

We create and implement detailed optimization plans to enhance performance across all channels.

Testing and iteration

We conduct A/B testing and other experiments to validate changes and ensure they deliver desired results.

Repeat process

Our evaluation and optimization process is ongoing, ensuring iLMS remains competitive and continually improves.

Conclusions and effects


Our efforts have positioned iLMS as a rising star in the healthcare training sector. The initial client interest was overwhelmingly positive, demonstrating a keen market need for adaptive XR training solutions. The product’s early testing phases have yielded good feedback, highlighting its potential to revolutionize training processes. We successfully identified and targeted an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) even at the early stages, a challenging feat for many startups. This precise targeting has been crucial in attracting significant attention from both potential clients and venture capitalists. The strong interest from VCs underscores the platform’s potential and has provided additional credibility to iLMS’s innovative approach.

Impact on business

The thoughtful UX/UI design and strategic branding efforts have positioned iLMS as a new player in healthcare XR training,. The platform's intuitive design and clear value proposition have attracted significant client interest, bolstering its credibility and market presence. While the project is still ongoing, the continuous feedback loop ensures that iLMS remains at the cutting edge of adaptive learning technology in the healthcare sector. By focusing on simplicity and user experience, iLMS has managed to demystify advanced technology, making it accessible and appealing to a broader audience. This ongoing collaboration underscores our commitment to breaking barriers and creating memorable, impactful user experiences.

Feedback that fuels us

"DP Vision provided us with an amazing experience in UX/UI services. They not only provided the necessary service but became members of our team. They have great cooperation with the developers.Everything was delivered on time. The contact via Slack/Whatsapp is amazing. They reply within minutes and adjust to the client's needs. One of the unique features is that they work very quickly and have a well-organized project implementation workflow."

Maciej Topolski

CEO, Topolski Stanley & Associates Sp. z o.o.

"Having been involved in and around the world of branding, design, and UX for several years I can confidently say Anna (and indeed her team) is truly professional and hands down one of the best I have worked with. She brings a unique, entrepreneurial eye to everything she does which is always creative and impactful and she has a great eye for design. Not only that but she breaks everything down into simple to understand yet highly detailed steps and shows the why behind everything she does ."

Pete Dunn

CEO, Braindance Studio

"We hired DP Vision to develop a website that would not only reflect the unique nature of our company, but also would serve as a powerful sales tool with a user-friendly experience. Throughout the project, they maintained constant communication with us, ensuring we knew exactly where things stood.Even after the website was launched, they continued to test and analyze its performance, making necessary adjustments to enhance its design and user experience. We are impressed with their comprehensive approach and commitment to delivering a top quality website. The site responds perfectly to our needs and is well received by our clients."

Magdalena Wczesna

CEO, MW Sales Solutions

"From the first workshop with the DP Vision team, we knew we had come across a partner who really wanted to understand our company and its needs. They asked lots of questions to get a thorough understanding of our business, our strengths and what makes us different in the market. This approach allowed us to feel that DP Vision is not just a contractor, but a partner that literally steps into the shoes of the client."

Łukasz Wenskowski

Founder, Digidata

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